I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 73 Air Combat

After reporting on the situation of the Kronos Hive Fleet, Sarkozy did not leave. Instead, he accompanied Wei Mu and others to the star of Ziafria, wanting to witness the final moments of this journey. ending.

This is quite good, and there is another high-end combat power around.

Although dealing with two insect nest tentacles at once is like a pot of raw rice, you should eat it if you eat it.

The preparation phase of the war has long been over, and the remaining battles are dominated by recklessness.

As soon as the greenskin army entered the Tiamat system, they were warmly received by the Tyranids.

Endless swarms of insects have been waiting in the void, just waiting for the invading enemies to appear. Millions of biological ships formed a giant encirclement net, trying to strangle the Battle Moon here in advance.

It seems that the Great Devourer is by no means just a manifestation of a huge instinct as some scholars said. This guy has a lot of thinking ability, and he also knows that once the Battle Moon approaches the star of Ziafria, it will be equivalent to it. Lose in this battle - for Wei Mu and others, even in the worst case scenario, they can let the battle moon directly hit the giant flesh-and-blood building on the planet, and at worst, both parties will perish.

Of course, Wei Mu was definitely not aiming to die with the other party. But what if you get anxious while fighting?

No one knows how this war will develop in the end.

But no matter what, the result of the destruction of the building is unacceptable to the Hive Mind. It has invested too much effort in it.

As a result, the black swarm of insects rushed towards the battle moon. Countless acid spore shells poured out from the biological battleship and fired wildly at the greenskin army.

In response, Battle Moon deployed a giant waaagh for protection! The stand is like a translucent green film that wraps the entire ship in it. The cannonballs of the Tyranid warships bombard the stand, just like throwing a stone into a lake, only a few ripples appear.

The greenskins used the powerful technology inherited from the ancient saints to easily absorb these injuries. If they wanted to rely on long-range firepower to tear apart the defense of the Battle Moon, it would probably take forever.

And the greenskins are not the masters who just take a beating without fighting back. Similarly, counterattacks from countless artillery fires spray out from the surface of the battle moon, like the magic ball lights hung high above the nightclub, constantly releasing beams of light, shining into the surrounding darkness. Scratched again and again.

Because the positions were too dense, a large number of Tyranids' biological ships were hit and torn apart by the battle moon's gunfire, and eventually turned into wreckage in the cold void.

These lost biomass cannot be recycled, because the universe is too vast, just like a drop of ink being dropped into the ocean. If you deliberately collect these scattered and broken resources, it will lead to more consumption.

The Great Devourer soon realized that it was unrealistic to rely on aerial combat to stop the Battle Moon.

In this case, if you are in trouble, you should turn to a gang. This is true in the Warhammer universe.

The Hive Mind dropped countless warriors onto the surface of the battle moon. Massive knife bugs, gun bugs, warriors and executioners descended from the void. Like moths biting apples, they launched an attack on the core of the giant ship. Trying to completely destroy this behemoth from the inside.

And inside the battle moon, waiting for them are tens of billions of orcs.

The green-skinned generals had guarded various key nodes on the battle moon early on, relying on the small indoor space to fight to the death against the invading insect swarms.

Their defenses are so solid that the bugs cannot even break through the outermost layer of peel. Sometimes, it only takes one super-heavy boss to guard the entire entrance, and hundreds of bug corpses are slaughtered by the boss. Thousands, even enough to block the passage.

In addition, there are a lot of bizarre mechanisms inside the Battle Moon. For example, the walls in some areas can move at will, and invading bugs will be directly crushed into a pile of flesh and blood. In some places, there will be a gravity imbalance, and bugs will be suspended in the air. Become a group of living targets at your mercy.

However, the attack of the insect swarm did not fail to cause losses to the greenskin army.

Before entering the Tiamat sector, Wei Mu once asked the orcs to use the gravity control system of the battle moon to capture hundreds of meteorites from space and transform them into fortresses.

Although these battle meteorites look rough, the role they can play cannot be underestimated.

Not only can they be used as kinetic weapons, falling directly from the sky and hitting the enemy's face, they can also carry at least 10,000 troops inside, which is equivalent to a giant airdrop pod. After the release is completed, they can also be used as a fortress for the orcs to rely on. It can be said to be a weapon that kills three birds with one stone in combat.

However, now that they were attacked in advance by the Hive Fleet, Wei Mu was unable to provide protection for these battle meteorites floating outside the battle moon. The swarm naturally launched an attack on them and destroyed them with a massive strength advantage.

The millions of orc soldiers stationed in the battle meteorite resisted tenaciously, but were eventually devoured by the insect swarm.

Staring at the dots of light disappearing one after another on the screen, Wei Mu felt a mixture of emotions in his heart.

Although he repeatedly told himself that the greenskins were just weapons, he should not feel sad for their sacrifice. What's more, for such an ending, being able to fight to the death in an eternal war, the greenskins I feel very happy myself.

However, Wei Mu still felt very moved when he saw the greenskins fighting to the last moment to achieve his goal, shouting his name even before they were engulfed in flames.

"Only victory is the best way to pay homage to the victims." Moll on the side saw his worries and said with relief.

In the vast human empire, similar sacrifices occur almost every day.

Most of those victims have no honors, no records, and some even have no names, but it is precisely because of their efforts that human civilization can continue.

"I know, Moore. Just to swing his sword at this dark universe, to resist the cruel fate it brings. How much blood has been shed by mankind, and how much more blood must continue to flow?" Wei Mu asked. He sighed deeply.

"You have done a good job, Wei Mu. At least this Orc Legion did not conflict with the Empire. They fought for the order of the galaxy under your leadership, and many bloody conflicts were avoided." Stern said.

"Yes." Wei Mu nodded, "But it's not enough."

He knew very well that this was not a question of heroic fighting.

As long as the major forces of order in the galaxy are still stabbing each other, no matter how brave you are, you are just holding on to the gourd and lifting the gourd, and you will never be able to solve this chaotic situation.

This may be a dead end, but someone has to solve it.

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